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Are you in the business of taking care of people? That category could cover many different situations: you might be running a daycare for children, or for the elderly or disabled, or running a care service that helps clients stay in their homes. You may provide physical or occupational therapy, manage a transportation service for people with physical disabilities, or be in charge of charitable services, such as delivering meals to homeless people. The list of businesses related to personal care is long.

Personal care is a rapidly growing business segment, so it certainly has a lot of competition. You’re probably looking for new customers and more business, or looking for more financing to meet the needs you’ve already identified. How are you going to get the contracts you need, or secure that loan or grant so you can continue to provide your services? Sending out hundreds of form letters or paying for an ad in the local newspaper may achieve minimal success, but to really stand out from the crowd, you’ll need to master writing a business proposal.

That is not as difficult as it may seem. There are four basic parts to every business proposal. You must 1) introduce yourself, 2) demonstrate that you understand your prospect’s needs, 3) highlight your services and explain your costs, and 4) convince the client or funding committee that you are the best fit for the job. You don’t have to start from scratch either. Using existing kits that include pre-designed templates and samples can help you write your proposal quickly and efficiently.

All service proposals follow the basic four-part structure mentioned above. The number of pages in your proposal will depend on the size of the project and the needs of your client, as well as your type of business. An average proposal is five to ten pages long, but a complex proposal may include dozens of pages, and a very short one may have only a cover letter, a list of services provided, and a price list.

The key to writing a winning proposal is to personalize it for the party that will receive it. Put yourself in the reader’s shoes. If you don’t know that party well, you will need to research the needs and history of the party. Sure, that might be a bit of work, but the effort will pay off when you create a custom proposal that has a much better chance of success than any form letter.

Customizing each proposal does not prevent you from using many of the same pages in multiple proposals. Much of the information you provide will be of interest to all of your potential customers. Tailoring a proposal simply means that you must tailor each proposal to address the specific needs of the client. A proposal is a sales document intended to persuade potential clients to give you their business or convince grant committees to give you funding. To do that, you need to instill confidence that you can meet your customers’ needs.

Begin your proposal by introducing yourself with a cover letter and title page. The cover letter should be concise; simply explain who you are and include your company’s contact information. Print your cover letter on your company letterhead. The title page is exactly that: a page that introduces your proposal and names the specific project you’re discussing. Some examples might be “XYX Corporation Proposed On-Campus Day Care,” “Occupational Therapy Services for Injured Veterans,” or “Home Care for Your Loved One.”

If you are proposing a complex project and are therefore writing a longer proposal, you may want to include a detailed summary at the beginning of your proposal. This is often called an Executive Summary or Client Summary, and is basically a bulleted list of your important points. After the introduction (and summary, if you have one) is the section that will focus on the client. Here you will add topics to demonstrate your understanding of your customer’s needs. In this customer-focused section, you will do your best to describe the prospect’s requirements, needs, and concerns. For example, you may need to include pages that discuss topics specific to that customer, such as dealing with contagious diseases, how family members will help make decisions, or how insurance figures into the equation. This is not the place to describe your services. Customer concerns come first.

After the customer-focused section comes the section about you. Here you will demonstrate that you have the solutions to the customer’s needs. You’ll add pages with titles like Services Provided, Benefits, Price List, Service Cost Summary, Safety, Security, etc., include all the topics you need to describe exactly what you’ll provide and how much it will cost.

Depending on your business and the project you are proposing, you may need specialized topics, such as pages that address specific concerns, such as training your employees in medical practices or handling hazardous waste, etc. Add pages with details that the client will want to know, such as descriptions of your Personnel, Training Plan, Security Plan, Insurance, Facilities, Security, Certifications, etc.

The individual pages will vary depending on your business. An occupational therapy or physical therapy organization may have to deal with a variety of issues, such as selling services and products, coordinating with other medical organizations, interacting with insurance companies, and customizing rehabilitation programs for each patient. .

A daycare organization may need to include pages detailing safety and facilities, as well as describing meals, lessons, and activities, and discussing topics such as what will happen when a child or care provider gets sick.

A charity delivering meals to homebound customers would need to look at the amount and types of meals, delivery practices, costs and staff involved.

After you’ve described your solutions to customer needs, comes the final section, where you provide details about your organization. You want to conclude your proposal by convincing the reader that you can be trusted to deliver the services you promised. Here, you will add pages like Our Customers, Testimonials, Awards, References, About Us/Company History, Ratings, Case Studies, etc. It includes all the topics you need to persuade your proposal readers that you deserve their trust and their business.

Once you’ve written your proposal, spend some time making it look good. Remember, you want to stand out from the competition. Incorporate your organization’s logo, use page colors with colored borders, or select custom bullets and fonts to match your organization’s style.

Before submitting your proposal, proofread and spell-check each page. It’s easy to miss mistakes in your own work, so it’s best to have someone unfamiliar with your proposal do the final testing.

Save your proposal as a PDF file or print it, and then give it to the prospect. Emailing PDFs to clients is commonplace these days; however, keep in mind that a hand-delivered, printed proposal may make more of an impression. If the business or grant money you are seeking is especially valuable to you and has a lot of competition, you may want to put more effort into your final proposal and delivery.

Now you can understand that a personal care services business proposition will vary quite a bit. Each organization’s specific proposal pages will be different and, as mentioned above, each proposal must be tailored to the party receiving it.

But now you also understand that all service proposals follow a similar structure. And, as mentioned above, you don’t need to start by staring at a blank computer screen; You can find templates for all the pages mentioned in this article in a proposal kit. The templates include instructions and sample information to include on each page. A proposal kit will also contain a wide variety of sample proposals, including samples for a day care center, occupational therapy services, and adult/senior care services. Using a template kit and reading full samples makes it easy to create your own winning business proposal.

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